Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Making believe you know will get you farther than making believe you don't know."
~ Alan Cohen
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Guiding Healers, Holistic Practitioners, Creatives and Heart-Centered Women to get clear, take back their power and craft the life that their heart desires.

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Life Crafting is about Consciously Creating the life You want to Live, Honoring Yourself (and your talents and your gifts), Standing in your Truth, and Reclaiming your Power.

Life Crafting is also about transforming your deepest wounds into your greatest strengths and gifts. When we heal those parts of ourselves that we often hide, sometimes in shame, we help others heal as well.

My mission is to encourage and inspire more people to believe in themselves, love and accept themselves, cease playing victim and take back their power, follow their heart, and dare to make their dream a reality.

My passion is helping heart-centered professionals, healers, holistic practitioners, and creatives of all flavors (writers, artists, performers, speakers, etc.) discover and embrace their uniqueness, get out of their own way and let their Spirit Soar.

The world needs you and your gifts!

If you’re ready to claim, take back and stand in your power, reconnect to your dreams and desires, see the possibilities that exist all around you, gain a new perspective on life, or craft a strategy and plan to create what you desire and spirit calls you to do…

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  • You can get my free report and sign up for my newsletter at the top right of this page.

Do something special for yourself today!

Karen's Latest Posts
Do you ever feel like you are spinning your wheels, chasing your tail, or going in circles? I think we’ve all experienced this from time to time. It’s frustrating. Yet, that’s OK because you will eventually find a path forward. That is unless you are stuck in the spin cycle. The spin cycle is murky and confusing, and you might feel like you’re living your own annoying version of that classic movie Groundhog Day. We...
As I write this, we have been in the Mercury Pre-Retrograde Shadow for a week. I can’t begin to tell you all the weird tech glitches and communication snafus that have been showing up already in the Winkelman household. Including the ability to add this blog to my website! (Thankfully, my tech wizard husband was able to fix that glitch.) Hopefully, you’re having a gentler shift into this Mercury retrograde.    This Cosmic Enforced Slowdown...
Recently, I was thinking about the choices I made and the things I did in my life, my career/jobs, and my business. And my creative expression! Duh. Can’t leave that one out… again. Anyway, some many of the choices I made did not come from my heart or my intuitive guidance.  Some choices were made from inaccurate conclusions or habitual reactions. And, a bunch of them were based on what I thought I needed to...
Truth is one of my top values, along with learning, integrity, and creativity. It’s no surprise that I question pretty much everything (not just authority). In the questioning process, which often includes research, I also look at it from different perspectives and use intuition and body wisdom to discern whether something is true or not. One of my favorite questions to ask myself whenever thoughts disturb my peace of mind is, “Is it true?" "Is this true?”...
Letting go of who I could be, to be who I am.  Part 1: Circles, Rituals, and Conflicted Feelings This is the first installment in what may become a series of posts about parts of me that I’ve let go of or decided to shed as they no longer fit who I am, want to be, or am becoming… The Universe works in many interesting and inventive ways to deliver a message you need to receive. In...
So, what is going on with the energy on the planet and within us right now? Well, energetically, there is a lot going on. Each person may be experiencing this heightened energy in different ways. Some feel shaky, some feel sad, tired, restless, angry, or just off in some way they can’t put their finger on.  For me, it is showing up as an agitation and sprinkled with moments of feeling off balance. And I literally...
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