My family wasn’t sure what to make of me or do with me. They knew I was smart and talented… but rather strange. Thank goodness for my mom’s eclectic reading taste. Especially the Edgar Cayce book I discovered. That explained a lot of what was going on with me and started me on the metaphysical journey that I continue to explore.
As a creative, my mind overflowed with ideas. Boredom wasn’t an issue; finding the time to do all the things and create all these visions was. Painting, writing, singing, dancing, acting, telling stories, making puppets, and putting on shows filled my days when I wasn’t expected to be in school. By the way, I love to learn and am a voracious reader (fiction and non-fiction).
My psychic “handicap,” coupled with my introverted INFJ personality, meant I was often a hermit or mostly solitary. I didn’t have many friends because not many people got me. Eventually, I started to feel lonely. I wanted to fit in and belong. A part of me bought into the idea that who I was and what I did was somehow wrong and definitely not normal. And a disempowering new pattern developed.
Instead of being me without caring what anyone else thought… I learned to make choices based on what I thought others wanted me to do or what I thought I needed to do to be loved, approved of, and accepted. To fit in.
Poor choices were made, some of which really affected my well-being. It was a painful lesson in people-pleasing and soul-twisting that lasted a couple of decades. I’m thrilled to say that phase has ended! With lots of inner work and a few gifted teachers/mentors, I once again embraced my weirdness, differences, and gifts. I learned to love and accept myself as is, too.
All of these experiences, talents and gifts, personality, and being contribute to my ability to help others get out of the cycle of being stuck or in fear so they can move forward and begin to thrive.
I can see you, relate to what you are going through, and perceive the possibilities and paths you can take to improve the quality of your life.