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Karen M Winkelman
The LifeCrafting Guide
Intuitive Advisor
"An authentic life does not require anyone else’s approval for your creative choices."
~ Alan Cohen
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All About Karen M. Winkelman

Intuitive Advisor, Numerologist, Past Life Guide,
Mentor/Teacher, Speaker… Creative, Writer, and Artist

"Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself." ~ Richard Bach

The Deeper "Why" Behind My Work

I believe that the more “YOU” that you can be, the happier you will be and the more your life will flow with ease. My experiences throughout my life are proof of that.

When I was creating and choosing from that space of Being Me, not caring what others thought, and not comparing myself to others, miracles appeared, doors opened, and opportunities showed up, seemingly without effort.

  • I was open and receptive.
  • I was expressing more of my true self, and as a result, life expanded and was more fun and enjoyable.
  • I felt more alive and I had more energy.
  • I also had a “knowing” that things were going to work out fine.
  • I was following my intuition, my curiosity, and going with the flow.
  • I was in alignment with and connected to my true Being (Self/Spirit/Soul).

When I was trying to create or choose from a space of what I thought others would like or want, what would bring in money, what I thought I should do, and what other people told me I needed to do, things didn’t work out easily, if at all.

  • I felt like I was pushing against a solid wall, climbing a mountain, or trying to make something happen with sheer force of will.
  • I was in my head and letting old programming make decisions.
  • I was trying to be something other than myself, and life contracted, and as a result, I felt frustrated, disappointed, stressed, and exhausted.
  • I was letting my mind, thoughts, and beliefs override my intuition, and I was going against the flow, swimming upstream.
  • I was out of alignment with and, at times, disconnected from my true Being (Self/Spirit/Soul).

If you’ve found yourself here, then I suspect you might be trying to live life based on what your mind is telling you to do. I can help you reconnect to your true Being (Self/Spirit/Soul) and create and choose from a more open and receptive space.

Honestly, I think if more people lived in alignment with their Being/Soul, the world would be a kinder place.

“In a world that is constantly trying to make you something else, to be yourself is the greatest accomplishment.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Purple Swoosh Blue Swoosh Stars Star Star Star
Be You. Do You. Thrive.

What I Care Deeply About

  • Self-Acceptance. When you stop judging, criticizing, and comparing yourself, you can begin to allow yourself to simply be YOU. And you can start thriving as you instead of always second guessing or trying to be something that you are not.
  • Creating: Creatives need to create whatever their unique creations are. Art/creativity enriches the world. However, creatives must create for themselves. In doing so, their creations can truly touch others.
  • Being True to Yourself: It isn’t selfish; it is necessary to your Being… and your wellbeing.
  • Truth: question everything, especially your beliefs. Ask, “Is this true?” “Is this true for me?”
  • Freedom: to do, be, have, choose
  • Self-Awareness: know thyself. Be willing to explore your inner world. Understand why you do what you do. Be open to making changes.
  • Take Responsibility for yourself and your thoughts and actions.
  • Own your talents, gifts, and accomplishments.

My Background

(or a sliver of it)

I’ve been studying metaphysics and spirituality for most of my life (and multiple lifetimes). I know stuff.

People tell me that I am a wise and expressive intuitive advisor, teacher, and speaker with the ability to make complex concepts understandable. I have helped hundreds of people in the US and internationally. My practical approach to spirituality and metaphysical work is often sprinkled with humor and peppered with an f-bomb or two.

Besides working in the Woo, I also have plenty of experience working in muggle jobs and in creative endeavors. This means I can generally find a way to relate to most people who come into my world. I’m here to help you thrive.

From the time I was a little kid, I knew I was different. I was the wild child, passionate, dramatic, creative, smart, loud, too much, independent, determined, rebellious… and an intuitive old soul in a young body. I could sense and read energy and see or sense spirits, angels, and other beings. Oh, and I grew up in a haunted house.

To add to that, I just knew things. Nanny’s going to call; this neighbor is sad because her husband like-likes a lady at work; that man is lying; that vase is going to fall and break.

My family wasn’t sure what to make of me or do with me. They knew I was smart and talented… but rather strange. Thank goodness for my mom’s eclectic reading taste. Especially the Edgar Cayce book I discovered. That explained a lot of what was going on with me and started me on the metaphysical journey that I continue to explore.

As a creative, my mind overflowed with ideas. Boredom wasn’t an issue; finding the time to do all the things and create all these visions was. Painting, writing, singing, dancing, acting, telling stories, making puppets, and putting on shows filled my days when I wasn’t expected to be in school. By the way, I love to learn and am a voracious reader (fiction and non-fiction).

My psychic “handicap,” coupled with my introverted INFJ personality, meant I was often a hermit or mostly solitary. I didn’t have many friends because not many people got me. Eventually, I started to feel lonely. I wanted to fit in and belong. A part of me bought into the idea that who I was and what I did was somehow wrong and definitely not normal. And a disempowering new pattern developed.

Instead of being me without caring what anyone else thought… I learned to make choices based on what I thought others wanted me to do or what I thought I needed to do to be loved, approved of, and accepted. To fit in.

Poor choices were made, some of which really affected my well-being. It was a painful lesson in people-pleasing and soul-twisting that lasted a couple of decades. I’m thrilled to say that phase has ended! With lots of inner work and a few gifted teachers/mentors, I once again embraced my weirdness, differences, and gifts. I learned to love and accept myself as is, too.

All of these experiences, talents and gifts, personality, and being contribute to my ability to help others get out of the cycle of being stuck or in fear so they can move forward and begin to thrive.

I can see you, relate to what you are going through, and perceive the possibilities and paths you can take to improve the quality of your life.

Training and Tools

I have decades of deep and diverse training and an extensive mystical toolbox.

Studied, trained, experienced, and certified in many different metaphysical and spiritual modalities. Numerology, Past Life Therapy (certified in past life regression and spiritual hypnosis), Tarot/Oracle cards, energy reading, energy healing, Reiki (Level 3), channeling, mediumship, animal communication certification, astrology, dream interpretation, meditation, Mind Body Spirit Practitioner Certification, and spiritual counseling.

I’ve taught classes and workshops on many of these and other metaphysical topics and have spoken about them at events. I have also written e-books, workbooks, and class materials on many of these subjects as well.

I have a natural ability to connect with my angels and guides, as well as the angels, guides, and higher self of the people I work with. You can think of me as a Pathfinder and a Life Crafting Guide because I’ve walked this path for lifetimes and know what to expect along the way.

Personal and Creative Life

In addition to the metaphysical and woo woven throughout the fabric of my being, my background includes writing, painting, acting, directing, singing, dancing, puppetry, designing and making my own clothes, creative expression, making jewelry, teaching junior high school math and science classes, teaching grade school arts in education programs, video production, multiple stints in the high-tech corporate world, several entrepreneurial endeavors, and gardening.

Reading is another passion, from science fiction and fantasy to cozy mysteries, from metaphysical and spiritual to business and science. I’ve even been known to read cereal boxes when there is no other reading material on hand.

Although I loved reading Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, and the Hardy Boys as a kid, other books my parents had on hand introduced me to science fiction, mystery, and the supernatural: Issac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Sherlock Holmes, Alfred Hitchcock, Edgar Alan Poe, and Ian Flemming’s James Bond. All of which I devoured. Star Trek, Night Gallery, and Twilight Zone were typical TV shows viewed in my house. And to some extent, they all influenced my own fiction writing.

Writing, art, and music feed my soul, and so does being in nature and the ocean (and lakes, waterfalls, rivers, etc.). I have frequent spontaneous outbursts of song. And have been known to “chair dance” when the beat moves me, and I can’t stand up and let loose!

This transplanted New Yorker now lives in Arizona. My life is shared with a kind and understanding, technology-whispering husband who is truly a soul mate, five* four black cats (two are tuxedos), a bunch of plants and fish… and a revolving cast of (fictional?) characters who tell me their stories, and I write them down.

I write fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, create textural mixed-media art, and make bespoke gemstone healing bracelets. You can see some of my art and jewelry on my website.

* Valeria, one of our Warrior Princesses, passed away January 24, 2025. She rejoined her sister Xena in Valhalla.

Fun Facts

  • As a kid, I wanted to be an actor, dancer, writer, doctor, and astronaut.
  • Picked up my first Numerology book as teenager for fun and entertainment, then discovered what a powerful tool it was, and I was hooked.
  • I’ve had spontaneous past-life visions/regressions if I visited a place where I had lived before or met someone who figured prominently in a past life of mine.
  • My life reads like a fiction book with all the different experiences and adventures I’ve had around the world.
  • One of my favorite things to do as a kid was to lay on the lawn, look up at the sky, and play with clouds.
  • In my teens, I’d lay out on the grass at night longingly looking at the stars... feeling my home was somewhere out there. Yep, I’m a StarSeed.
  • I’ve seen several UFOs throughout my life, too. None of them beamed me aboard, though.
  • I’m a bit of a nerd.
  • When I was 7, I wrote my first short story about a discarded pair of sneakers, and it was published in the school newspaper. When I was 16, I wrote my first book.
  • As a teen, I would hang out at a very old graveyard, either alone or with a couple of friends. I found it very peaceful. Curiously, no dead people ever tried to contact me there! (Or in any cemetery.)
  • I’m an introvert and empath, and social gatherings exhaust me.

A few things I’ve learned in my many trips around the sun…

  • You are allowed (and encouraged) to say “No” when you don’t want to do something. (BTW, “No.” is a complete sentence requiring no explanation.)
  • Better Boundaries are important
  • Kindness contributes to all; Niceness diminishes you and enables others.
  • It’s all an inside job
  • You can’t save or rescue anyone from themselves. If you try, they only dig in harder and deeper.
  • You really don’t know what anyone’s journey is about
  • Everything is connected
  • Learn to trust and listen to your body. It is very wise.
  • Discern the difference between your mind and intuition. Your intuition knows best.
  • Gratitude and Appreciation can instantly shift your mood and vibration

+1(623) 243-7377


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