Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Nothing happens until we take action."
~ Lisa Larter

Embrace and Embody My Business (and thrive doing so) Mentoring Group

This 6-month group mentoring program is for light-workers, healers, holistic practitioners, and creative of all kinds who have a business or thinking of starting a business.

Spirit has been urging me to create this program because so many spiritually and heart centered businesses are floundering and spiraling… and Planet Earth could really use these beautiful souls to succeed and prosper and shine their ever-loving light even brighter.

In Embrace and Embody My Business we will focus on connecting to what your true business is, drop all the blueprints and a boatload of shoulds and focus on your unique and quirky being and how it wants to thrive and prosper in a business as well as in your personal life.

You will see where you stop and get stuck and understand why so you can shift gears and operate from a different program. We’ll go deep together so you can shed lifetimes of gunk, lighten your load and transform your life and business.

This is not about following some else’s Business Blueprint or journey to success. This is about YOU and the work you are here to do and the business you are creating and growing and evolving.

This group will go in deep to the heart of the matter of you and your business. You know how I love to coax open (or sometimes pry open or blow open) the shuttered doors to where you hide your fears and beliefs and outdated programming that keep you in spin cycle or slamming into the wall on a regular basis.

  • You want to succeed doing the work you feel called to do… even though you may be unsure exactly what that is or what it looks like.
  • You want to help others and be paid fairly for your work
  • You want to be seen, heard, valued and accepted
  • You want to get out of the cave you’ve been hiding in and stand in your power
  • You want to step into your zone of brilliance and shine like the beautiful light that you are
  • You want to blend the spiritual with the practical and live a comfortable and abundant life
  • You want to thrive and prosper being you and doing what you love
  • You want a business that supports you spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially
  • You want to work with amazing people who get you and love what you have to offer them
  • You want to attract your ideal clients with ease and grace rather than feeling like you need to use marketing tactics that you don’t resonate with
  • You want a business that is a co-creation with spirit, where you can trust the guidance you receive and take appropriate actions in a timely way
  • You want to be in love with your business and be inspired and excited to work in it every day (or how many days you decide you want to work)
  • You want your life and business to flow joyfully
  • You want to have a business that leaves you space for you rather than overwhelms and consumes you
  • You want to create a business that uplifts you, engages you, challenges you (in a wonderful positive way) and allows more of your beautiful spirit to shine and your unique gifts to bubble up to the surface
  • You want to get clear about what business you are in and how to build a business that works for you
  • You want to know what to offer, how much to charge and just who your ideal client might be and where the heck you can find them
  • You want to get referrals and build a solid base of satisfied customers and potential clients
  • You want to get out of your own fucking way and stop stumbling around in the dark

I’ve been where you are. I understand what you might be going through. I’ve made a lot of mistakes building my business. I got help. I let go of what most people were trying to tell me and surrendered to Spirit.

One of my skills is seeing blocks and shining a light on the cause of the issues, whether from this life or a past life, so the wound, karma, or issue can be healed and released… transformed to liberate you.

I’d like to help you break free of whatever is holding you back from having the business of your dreams and doing the work you’ve come here to do or wanted to do for so long it hurts.

It is time for YOU to Shine Your Radiant Brilliance on the World. Increase the ripple effect of love and light.

There is a beautiful business inside of you waiting to be unleashed.

Are you ready to commit yourself to your business?

If so, I invite you to step inside the sacred space of this business mentoring group.

With Embrace and Embody My Business you get

  • A 6 month business and personal (because your business will always reflect what is going on with you) group mentoring program
  • Group meetings for 2 hours, twice a month for 6 months = 12 sessions/24 hours
  • Me dedicated to helping you… and access to all my tools, wisdom and insights
  • The support of others in the group on a similar journey
  • Email access to me in-between meetings
  • Option to extend it for another 2-3 months if the group feels they just gotta have more
  • Special pricing on private sessions with me during the course of the program

Your investment in this 6 month program is $1,197. (contact me if you need to arrange for a payment plan)

Please note that this is an intimate group experience. To ensure that everyone gets the personal attention they need, this group is limited to 10 people.

Trust your guidance on this. If you know this is for you, then please sign up!

Keep in mind that this group mentoring program is limited in size, and may fill up quickly.

Yes I am ready to Embrace and Embody My Business, sign me up!

This Embrace and Embody My Business Mentoring Group is currently closed. If you’d like to be notified when the next group is forming, please fill this notification form.

PS. If this business mentoring program interests you but you aren’t sure and want to ask me a question about it and decide if it is right for you, then please give me a call 623-243-7377 or send me an email.

“I had the pleasure of working with Karen to develop my start-up business coaching company. She had an uncanny, almost magical ability to "tune in" to my vision and generate ideas that absolutely "wowed" me. She is also a sensitive and gifted mentor who helped to keep me moving in the process. I highly recommend her business and personal mentoring services.”

~ Diane, Scottsdale, AZ

"Karen has helped me to make a smooth transition from corporate employee to consultant. She is an excellent listener and has an in-depth understanding of the issues that one deals with in making career decisions. By listening and mentoring, she helped me think through what I really wanted to do and that it was ok to pursue my dreams. She has prompted me to give myself a break in what I am expecting of myself. From this mentoring, I have been able to develop a clear vision. I really enjoy brainstorming with her as she such a diverse background that she is always able to contribute some out of the box, value added ideas.”

~ Sandra K., Phoenix, AZ

“What I love about working with Karen is that she has been very level headed and completely in-tune with me and right from the start. I also think that her diverse background adds to her ability to see things more clearly and helps her envision and focus on other’s situations and life experiences far better than most other mentors are able to do. She has powerful listening skills. It was remarkable how quickly she was able to turn the confusion I have long felt into an intelligent conversation about the things that I’m good at doing and that give me a real feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. She helped me define what was most important to me and how I wanted to move forward. Along with her guidance and support, she offered ideas and suggestions. She also gave me permission to let go of tasks that I thought were “so important”, especially if they weren’t in line with what I really wanted and loved to do. She is not only a great mentor, she truly wants you to succeed and accomplish your life’s work and goals.”

~ Helen, Scottsdale AZ

“It's funny, after meeting with you, my partner and I realized that we have gotten off track on our business. We were limited by the web designer, and in turn, we limited ourselves on who we really are! Thank you for helping us reconnect with what our business is!”

~ Kendra L., Mesa, AZ

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