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Karen M Winkelman
The LifeCrafting Guide
Intuitive Advisor
"If all you’re receiving for your work is a paycheck, you’re being grossly underpaid. "
~ Author unknown
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Powerful Exercises for Forgiveness

A quick word about forgiveness, before we dive into the forgiveness exercises…

I think forgiveness is often misunderstood and, for that reason, is often resisted or avoided. Forgiveness is a healing gift we give ourselves. It is not letting the other person off the hook or saying that whatever happened to you was acceptable or OK.

When we hold on to those hurts and betrayals, we keep the energy active and alive with us. Energetically, it is like constantly pulling the scab off a wound or reinjuring yourself on a regular (or even daily) basis.

Forgiveness of ourselves and of others is a key to healing your own heart and restoring peace of mind. When you forgive, you give yourself a gift of freedom, allowing you to heal and release it. It can also dissolve any Karma connected to it. To me, that sounds like a blessing!

You can make a difference in your life and the lives of others by forgiving and releasing all the emotional baggage you carry around with you.

What Forgiveness Isn’t:

  • Forgiveness does not mean that what they did to hurt you was O.K.
  • Forgiveness does not mean that they get away with it, that it was somehow acceptable, or that it is allowed to continue.
  • Forgiveness does not mean you have to like them, be friends with them, or have anything more to do with them.

What Forgiveness Is:

  • Forgiveness is accepting that this happened and it made you feel however it made you feel.
  • Forgiveness is releasing the judgment, blame, shame, guilt, anger, resentment, and need for vindication and vengeance around it.
  • Forgiveness means taking your power back from the person or situation and no longer being held victim to it.
  • Forgiveness means owning your share of the responsibility, and only your share, and letting the others own their part of the responsibility.
  • Forgiveness means “I will no longer hold on to those things that have hurt me. I choose to love myself enough to end this cycle of pain and punishment.”

Have compassion and kindness for yourself and for others as you go through this.

If it resonates with you, you can ask the Angels, the Universe, God/Goddess, Spirit, and/or Creator for help as you release and let go. They are happy to help you on this journey of forgiveness… you must ask for assistance, though! You can also ask a trusted friend or guide to help you with this process as well.


The first forgiveness exercise is my favorite for many reasons, especially for self-forgiveness. I find it is very powerful.

Hoʻoponopono Forgiveness Practice

Ho'oponopono – a Hawaiian the Hawaiian reconciliation or clearing process.

In the Ho’oponopono practice, you are clearing or cleaning yourself of subconscious garbage – programs that run your life without your participation. Through Ho’oponopono, you are healing the part of you that created the imbalances.

The Ho’oponopono process consists of repetitions of the following phrases:

  • I Love You
  • Please forgive me
  • I am sorry
  • Thank you

By repeating these phrases, you ignite the self-transformation process.

Here’s an example of how I use it:

Here’s one of mine for self-forgiveness:

“I love you, Karen. I am sorry that I hurt you by letting them take advantage and manipulate you, then beating you up over it, and allowing it to disempower you. Please forgive me. Thank you."

Now it’s your turn. Say out loud:

I love you (your name)
I’m sorry I hurt you (You can add specifics here if you want regarding a person or situation, although it isn’t necessary. Your soul and memory banks know what needs to be forgiven)
Please forgive me
Thank you

Repeat this like a mantra until you really feel the emotion or energy moving.

You may cry or yawn. This shows you it is moving out of your energy field.

Keep repeating this over and over until the emotion fully moves out and you feel lighter. You may even notice a smile forming on your face.

When I am clearing deep, dense emotions like guilt, shame, and humiliation, I can hardly speak the words because I am sobbing. If this happens, great!

Keep repeating whether you are sobbing through it or whispering because you have lost your voice.

You can stop when that lighter feeling comes over you. You’ve shifted the issue.


At the end of the forgiveness exercise, I like to replace the energy that was released with white light, gold light, or the energy of unconditional love.

Simply stating this is sufficient. Or you can imagine the light entering your crown chakra at the top of your head and moving through every cell of your body.

Here are a couple of other examples.

I Love you (person’s name you wish forgiveness from)
I'm sorry that I hurt you (or killed you) in other lifetimes.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

You repeat this over and over until it brings up the emotions that need to be released.

Continue through the emotions... even if you can barely get the words out.

Continue until you feel a shift or release.

Then take a deep breath and imagine you are replacing the energy you released with love.

You may need to do several rounds of this with each person you wish forgiveness from (either for something you did to them or thought about them…

or your part in whatever they were doing to you),

or each situation before it feels "clear".

Then start on yourself... (Looking in the mirror can speed up the process, but isn't necessary).

So for yourself you'd say something like:

“I love you (your name). I am sorry that I hurt you by doing ____ and then feeling guilty, judging you harshly and punishing you, and holding on to it for lifetimes. Please forgive me. Thank you."

Keep repeating the statement as it brings up the emotions that need to be cleared.

Sometimes, a session takes 5 minutes, sometimes longer.

And you can do it every day, releasing and healing it in manageable bits.

When you no longer have any emotion or body reaction to the words, it has shifted.

When you get triggered by anything during the day just repeat the simple phrases over and over to “reset” you to your inner true nature.

I love you
I’m sorry I hurt you
Please forgive me
Thank you.


The understanding behind the process (if you are interested in the “why” of things) is based on the acknowledgment or awareness that you are 100% responsible for everything in your life… the mistakes, messes, and successes.

It also means if someone somewhere did something and you became aware of that – you are 100% responsible for that awareness (but not the thing that they did, they are responsible for that).

The purpose of Ho’oponopono is not to make you feel guilty or disempower you in any way. Quite the opposite is true. It is to remind you of what a powerful creator you are.

Ho’oponopono is clearing a path for you to reconcile with yourself and return back to your true inner nature and your Soul/Spirt connection. When you return to this core level, everything becomes available to you, effortlessly. And once again, you allow the Divine aspect of you to inspire and guide your life, instead of your ego drive.


30-Day Forgiveness Prayer / Affirmation

Say this many times a day for 30 days… you can also say it and write it out to really put more energy behind it:

“I am willing to forgive _________ (the situation/person).

I choose to forgive _____________ (this situation/person) and I choose to bless it and release it now.”

You can add cord-cutting to this process as well

  • Envision the cord connecting to the place where you feel the energy leaking
  • Affirm that you are ready and committed to cut this cord
  • See yourself cutting the chord or ask Archangel Michael to cut the cord
  • Say, “I release this energetic connection now” (or make up your own words)
  • Energetically or symbolically seal the area where the cord was attached
  • Gently return the cord to the other person with love or ask Archangel Michael to disburse the energies of the cord in the highest and best way possible
  • Thank yourself and Archangel Michael and the other person for the gift


Forgiveness Journaling Exercise:

Empowering and Revealing Questions to help you heal

Find a comfy spot where you won’t be disturbed. You may want to “set the stage” for this process by lighting a candle, burning your favorite incense, or diffusing a relaxing essential oil, taking a few deep, centering breaths, and holding the intention for gaining awareness and releasing something that no longer serves your highest good. You may even want to invite your angels, guides, and higher self to assist you with this.

You can use any journal, notebook, or some sheets of paper to do this exercise.

Perhaps have a cup of tea or a glass of water on hand. Maybe even a piece of chocolate. I’d hold off on having an adult beverage until after you’ve completed the journaling exercise, though.

Ready? Let’s go…

Think of a situation that you feel ready to forgive (either forgiving yourself or others).

Close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and call this situation to mind.

When you get the energy or “feel” of it, open your eyes and answer the following questions as best as you can. Let your intuition guide you here rather than the usual thoughts you have about the situation.

If nothing immediately comes to mind, make something up… take your best guess. The notice if that feels true or could be true.

  • What feelings or emotions are you still holding onto regarding this situation? (grief, anger, resentment, blame, being mistreated, misunderstood, rejected, judged, etc.)
  • How are these feelings and emotions getting in the way of you enjoying your life?
  • How are these feelings and emotions affecting your body?
  • What was this person or situation really trying to teach you (help you learn) or show you about yourself?
  • What is it you believed, expected, or thought about yourself or others that led to this situation?
  • Have you had other similar experiences?
  • How are you stronger because of this situation?
  • What have you learned from this (what was the lesson)?
  • How can your life improve now because of this (what was the blessing/silver lining underneath the yucky parts)?
  • How does this experience help you understand yourself better?
  • How does your experience help you understand others?
  • How does this experience help you to let go of judgments about yourself and others?
  • How does this experience empower you now?
  • How does this help you create better boundaries?
  • With the new awareness you have after answering these questions, are you willing to forgive yourself and release these stuck emotions?
    • If yes, you can write down a sentence or paragraph on what you are forgiving yourself for and then imagine this stuck energy leaving you.
    • You may find it more powerful to read that forgiveness statement out loud a few times until you feel the energy shift and you feel lighter in some way.
    • Or, you can do the Hoʻoponopono Forgiveness exercise
  • If you are not yet willing to forgive yourself, please write a few sentences about why you feel that way. Why you are holding on to it so tightly, and what would it take for you to be willing to let this go?
  • If there was someone involved in this situation who you are unwilling to forgive and hold strong feelings towards (anger, resentment, blame, etc.), write a few sentences or paragraphs to them telling them how you feel and what you want them to do to “make things better.” You will not show them or send them this. You are moving this out of your energy, and on a soul level, they will become aware of it.
  • Are you now willing to forgive this person? Or are you open to wish them well?
    • If not, what would it take to forgive them?

The next step is reframing your situation so that you see the blessing or lesson in it.

Create a gratitude statement for your experience…

I am grateful for the lessons I gained and the strength I learned by walking through a financial meltdown as a result of my job loss. It has taught me that I don’t have to be a victim. I can take my power back from that situation, change my mindset, and create my own abundance. There are many possibilities and opportunities available for me.
Now, create your gratitude statement…

Create a statement of how you’d like your life to be going forward.

When you are done with this exercise close your eyes and allow yourself to anchor that positive energy in. See and feel all of these good things happening in your life. And if you are ready to wish well for others involved, imagine that as well.


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