Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end."
~ Ursula Le Guin

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by Karen Winkelman Tuesday, January 17, 2017

In the previous post (Ring in The New! 2017 Begins a Whole New Cycle) I shared about the closing the book on 2016 and the cycle that began in 2008, as well as a sneak peek at what to expect in 2017 and the immersion into the exquisite 1 Vibration.

2017 Activates a Whole New Cycle

Not only is this the start of a new year, it is the start of a new 9-year cycle!

According to Numerology, we go through 9-year cycles as we climb the spiral of our life’s journey.

We begin a new cycle in January 2017 that will last until the end of December 2025.

This year embraces us in the energy of the 1 vibration.

The 1 vibration is about Individuality, Leadership, Creativity, Ideas, Inventions, Organization, Independence, Self-focused, Possibilities, Opening, Initiation, Self-Confidence, and New Beginnings.

In the previous post I shared Important things for you to consider as you step into 2017 to set the tone of your year ahead... and the next 9 years too.

I also shared some insights about the Shadow of the 1 and some Key Things to help you sail through 2017.

If you missed it, you can read it here

And if you missed my video about 2017’s energy, you can watch it here or on my homepage.


Now let's dive into the heart of Part 2

Your Life Path Influence

Your Life Path number plays an important role in how the 1 vibration will show up in your life. It may emphasize some of the 1 vibration's essence and may ignore other aspects completely.

Your Life Path number will naturally harmonize with certain elements of the 1 vibration of 2017, and other elements will feel out of synch to you. You might even find yourself resisting the pull of some elements of the 1.

Whatever the case, know that the energy is working with you to help you grow and evolve.

When you go with it, things flow.

When you fight it, things go sideways.

And yeah, both experiences can help you shift out of limiting beliefs and patterns and grow.


If you know your Life Path Number, great, skip down to see its specific effect working with the 1 vibration.

If you don’t know your Life Path Number, it’s time for a little math.

Add together the month + day + year of your birth, adding each number individually.

If the total is a 2-digit number, add them together to arrive at your Life Path Number. Exceptions are the master Numbers 11, 22 and 33).

Example: December 20, 1972 = 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 24;

Add 2 + 4 = 6

6 = Life Path Number


Based on Your Life Path Number, below is the theme you will likely be working on in 2017:

Life Path 1: This doubles the effect of the 1 vibration! You are working on your life path issues. It is calling you out to lead in some way (take the lead, embrace being a leader, step out in a bigger way, stop playing small) It also summons the creator aspects of you to identify what you truly want to create, and who you want to be, how you wish to show up going forward and what you would love to do. Leave the past behind. Blaze new trails!


Life Path 2:  Relationships and who you are being in relationship (with others as well as yourself) will be the major theme. The 1 is asking you to see where you could innovate or take the lead in some aspect of your relationships. This is a great year to develop new relationships (person, romantic, professional). You could even reinvent or renew a relationship to breathe new life into it. The 1 is also reminding you to remain true to yourself in all your relationships. Stop morphing into what you think they want. Be You! Peace, patience and maintaining your balance will also be a strong theme this year.


Life Path 3: Joyful and honest self-expression and staying connected to your body are important. The 1 vibration is grounding for you, and perhaps sobering at times. The 1 vibration signals your unique individuality to come to the surface and be expressed. You may desire a total makeover (hair, clothing, fitness, lifestyle, environment, etc.) to help you feel more like you as well as boost your confidence level. The 1 will amp up your creativity and fan the flame of desire and inspiration.


Life Path 4: Creating a solid foundation for every area of your life will be the focus of the year, as well as being appreciated for all your hard work over the years. The 1 will help you create systems and goals that can drive you forward in this. Be sure you schedule in time to play and have fun though, otherwise you may exhaust yourself and limit your intuitive nudgings by working all the time to meet some lofty goals you set out for yourself. Avoid being critical and a tough taskmaster. Ask for help and do not micro-manage those that agree to help.


Life Path 5: You need to feel free, flexible and have fun. You may feel the urge to travel, have an adventure or dive into a romance this year. With the 1’s encouragement you have what you need to write your book, or finally commit to whatever creative expression has been poking at you. You may be flooded with ideas and get distracted by all the possibilities available. Apply a little discipline to help you stay the course. Don’t allow boredom to derail you.


Life Path 6: Love, money, creativity, service, family and community are your focus. The 1 vibration will ask you to step up and take the lead in these areas of your life rather than being a bystander or defaulting to what you think others want from you. It can help you bring in supportive new ways of interacting with your family and community. The 1 vibration supports you in all your creative endeavors, including any renovations or decorating you’d like to do. It can also help you create and enforce the boundaries you need.


Life Path 7: You want to know and understand everything in your life. Learn to trust your intuition in addition to your logic mind. Since the 1 vibration is often mentally focused, this could present a challenge. If you live in your head you will miss all the amazing opportunities that surround you. The 1 vibration will be urging you to take action. Trust your inner guidance and take Soul-aligned actions. The 1 may even spur you on to explore new things or inspire innovative thinking.


Life Path 8: Power (personal and power in general), finances, recognition and appreciation are themes this year. The 1 vibration supports your desire for success, and can help you achieve your goals. Both the 8 and 1 like to be in control so be aware of this. Trying to control will not bring you what you desire. This year will also support you in getting organized or creating better systems to support your work and life. Resist the temptation to try and do it all and don’t overschedule yourself.


Life Path 9: Truth, justice, integrity and trust are strong themes this year. The 1 vibration will urge you to take the lead and stop playing small or pretending to be less than what you are. It will encourage you to be confident, own your gifts and shine. The 1 will support you in setting goals and plans then creating routines and systems to support you. The 1 also supports developing new skills and knowledge and getting your ideas and creations out into the world. Be fearless. Be bold. Stay out of your head. Trust intuition.


Live Path 11: Your path of the visionary teacher could expand in interesting new ways. The 1 supports your visions and passions and will lend strength and discipline to help you see it through. If you are living in your head though, you may be building your dreams from illusion and not seeing the reality. The 1 will be prompting you to share your wisdom and shine your light even brighter and more confidently than before. Stop following in other people’s footprints, create your own path. This is a very creative year for you and your imagination may be fertile.  


Life Path 22: Begin building or refining your systems and foundations and enterprises for a new and improved way of living and being. If you’ve been staying comfortable on the student path, acting more like the 4 than that master architect of the 22, it is time to own your gifts and step up your game. Allow new ideas and innovative thinking to help you create ways for you to build a solid foundation for your life and work. This is a great year to start getting your ideas and systems out in some way to help make the world a better place.


Life Path 33: Your desire for unconditional love and acceptance for all may be challenged this year. You are a heart-based path and the 1 is a head-based number. You don’t speak the same language. If you struggle with staying in your heart and higher guidance, then this year may find you living more in your head and ego. Just be aware and then be gentle with yourself. This is a great year to create and bring your creativity to the surface. The 1 will support you in finding inspiration and new ideas. It will also help you to focus on yourself (in a healthy way) because you usually focus on everyone else first.


Another Consideration...

Your Personal Year Factor

While the world goes through its 9-year cycle, we all go through personal 9-year cycles as well, which means you are dealing with several different energies at the same time:

  • Your Life Path Number,

  • The Universal Year energy (the 1 vibration for 2017),

  • and Your Personal Year Number.

How these three numbers interact and play together requires some interpretation. I can help you with that in a 30 or 60 minute phone session.


If you’re curious and want to figure out your own Personal Year, here’s how to do it:

To determine your Personal Year add the month + day of your birth + the current year, adding each number individually.

If the total is a 2-digit number, add them together to arrive at your Personal Year. Master Numbers do not apply here, only numbers 1-9 are used.

Example: December 21, 2017 = 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 16

Add 1 + 6 = 7  Personal Year

Quick Tip: Reduce the number of your month to a single digit, add your day, then add 1 for 2017 (since 2017 is a 1 vibration year)

So December 21 = 3+2+1+1 = 7 Personal Year


Once you know your numbers you can read about the meanings of each number and put the pieces together for yourself to get a picture of how your year ahead may look.

Of course, if you would like to know more about how your numbers can work for you and what it means in practical terms for you... I can help you with that.

Go on, Shine Bright and Be Your Best You!

Create a magnificent year. 

with love & blessings & appreciation for you,


PS. Thanks in advance for liking and sharing my posts!

PPS. If you are interested in learning more about what your numbers have in store for you in 2017, you can book a numerology consultation with me to help you understand what the combination of your Life Path Number, Personal Year Number and Universal Year Number mean for you. You can contact me here

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I'd love to hear your thoughts... you can share in the comments area below!

Note: Parts of this blog post appeared on my monthly numerology post on Sunny Dawn Johnston's website.

Posted by Karen Winkelman on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 9:07 PM
Categories: Numerology, Self-Care, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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