Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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~ Daniel Webster

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by Karen M. Winkelman Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Girl with Sparkler; words: celbrating mothers, allowing life to happenOK, so I meant to post this blog Celebrating Moms of all kinds closer to Mother's Day.




You've all been there no doubt. 

Best laid plans and good intentions nonetheless...


when Life Happens,

depending on the intensity of the shit that's going down,

other stuff falls by the wayside.

Much of May was like that for me.

In my next post (Goodbye to a beloved friend), I talk about one of the major Life Happenings this month that had me opt for time outs for some TLC (tender loving care).

When Life Happens for you,

it's fine to throw a pity party and soak in the shittiness for a bit.

Just don't take up permanant residence and start decorating the hole you're in!

I give you permission to feel your feelings, no matter how friggin uncomfortable they are. And yes, I know just how uncomfortable they can get.

But here's the thing Sweet Being,

delaying, denying or avoiding those feelings and emotions,

and the "OMG this Sucks" spinout, 

makes them go off the Richter Scale of Uncomfortable

when they do finally break surface.

And trust me, they will find a way out of the neat box you smashed them down into.

They may leak out at unexpected times,

They may blast out in an explosive mess.

They will, eventually, make you pay attention to them.

I have learned to feel them the first time, when it happens, rather than experiencing them repeating on me like a bad meal.

And guess what, it won't kill you! (Although times it may feel like it and your scared inner child may think it is the end of the world. That's a lie we tell ourselves. An old survival tactic. A story.)

And as you stay present and honor yourself, not only do the emotions move through but you gain some valuable insights in the process. There is strenght in vulnerability. Indeed!

Anyway, back to the previously scheduled post on Celebrating Mother's  of all kinds.

Picture of pink flowers with Happy Mother's Day and words of gratitudeI’d like to broaden the celebration of Mothers Day to include everyone filling the role of mother: birth mothers, adoptive mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, aunts, sisters, friends, neighbors, and mothers of non-human “children” (cats, dogs, birds, horses, fish, plants, etc.).

Happy (Belated) Mother's Day. You are Awesome and I thank you for who you are as much as what you do.

I invite you to read an article celebrating mothers that I wrote for Smart Healthy Women online magazine: Mom’s the Word! There's a section in the article that is not only helpful for mothers of all kinds, but can benefit anyone who does the simple exercise. It's all about "Acknowledging Your Awesomeness."

You know how I am on a mission to help people learn to love themselves so they stop the endless self-punishment. You don't need reasons to keep beating yourself up. However, you might need some help finding a few reasons to start celebrating how fucking awesome you really are.

Start today by acknowledging 3 things that you've done. And celebrate it! Give yourself a gold star.

Now... repeat this phrase as often as you need to until you feel it in your heart. Belive it!

“I love, honor and appreciate you for all that you are, all that you do and for being you.”

Know you are loved. Know that you are appreciated.

Love & Blessings & Gratitude,


PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this post... You can share in the comments area below!

BTW… If life is happening to you and you're struggling or resisting, I invite you to connect with me and see if we’re an energetic fit.

If so, great, let's make some magic! And if not me, then please reach out and ask for help from someone who is a perfect fit for you. Your Spirit will thank you.

PPS. Share the love… if you like what you read, please like it and share it on your favorite social media sites. Thanks a bunch!

I invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page too!

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 5:54 PM
Categories: Healing, Gratitude, Love, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Self-Awareness
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