Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

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by Karen M. Winkelman Monday, July 1, 2013

What’s in store for July 2013?

July may be an interesting combination of flipping from being very emotional to being very logical or “living in your head.”

July has a 7 vibration to it, which is about wisdom, investigation, intellect and intuition. The 7 vibration is also about balancing Head and Heart – Intellect and Intuition.

So this month is more about going within, being introspective, and trying to understand the nature of things… whether it is a job, a relationship or any topic that interests you. The 7 wants to get to the heart of the matter and gain the knowledge.

The 7 is also about taking the experiences and knowledge and understanding you have and transforming it into wisdom. Wisdom for yourself and to share with others.

Since the energy of 2013 is the 6 vibration of love, relationships, responsibility and family/community, you may feel pulled toward wanting to be with others and then wanting to withdraw or retreat into your private world.

That’s perfectly fine. If you need alone time, take it this month. It isn’t antisocial, it is self-nurturing and may help you gain peace and feel more centered.

This is a great month to play with your intuition. Maybe you can start an “evidence journal” (to help appease the logical mind!) noting what happened when you did or didn’t follow your intuitive guidance.

Your rational logic mind may want to dominate more this month. Ask it to work with your intuition. And all month, be aware that you may experience heightened emotions. That is normal too with the energy of this year and this month.

Try not to get overly analytical and critical. 

You may experience heightened emotions this month (and throughout the entire year!)

This is normal with the energy of this year (the 6 vibration, plus the year of the Snake) and this month, from an astrology perspective, most of July is in the sign of Cancer (water sign/emotions/family/nurturing).

The 7 vibration of July will give you a taste of what to expect in 2014. 

  • You may find yourself living in your head more often
  • Or not trusting your intuitive guidance
  • You may find yourself doubting your decisions
  • Or you may insist on having the facts or evidence

In addition to what I've already mentioned above, other aspects of the 7 are:

  • Knowledge
  • Learning & exploring
  • Spiritual exploration and mysticism
  • Going within, being introspective,
  • Learning from your experiences (which leads to wisdom)
  • And trying to understand the nature of things… whether it is a job, a relationship or any topic that interests you.

And remember, Mercury will be in Retrograde until the 20th. So communications may be an interesting challenge... and most likely wonky! 

Go out of your way to be clear -- or it might be more like that game of telephone, where each person tries to deliver the same message but it gets so distorted and often comical along the way. Avoid starting anything new and signing legal documents till a few days after Mercury goes direct on July 20.

Be gentle with yourself and honor your feelings.

Take the time outs that you need!
Love & Blessings,


Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Monday, July 1, 2013 12:00 AM
Categories: Numerology, Intuition, Self-Care, Energy
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Balancing Head and Heart - The Energy of July
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