Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Magic is the ability to live your life by intuition. "
~ Colin Wilson

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen Winkelman Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A seed sprouting; the words Beginning and New GrowthJanuary 2017 is a powerful month since both January and 2017 are 1 Vibrations.

The potential of the 1 vibration doubles to help you to kick-start your new year.

You may feel like you can tackle anything right now, since the 1 brings in a wave of confidence and positivity.

The energy of January -- and all of 2017 -- is inviting you to step into new beginnings and be open to new growth.

According to numerology, the number 1 is about:

New Beginnings, Fresh Starts, Creativity, Ideas, Originality, Inventions, Individuality, Leadership, Organization, Independence, Courage, Self-focused, Possibilities, Opening, and Initiation.


The 1 is a number of potential and possibilities.

In many ways the energy of January will feel like you finally got a green light to zoom forward instead of feeling constrained by the intense, limiting yet liberating energy of 2016’s 9 vibration.

Yet rushing out of the gate the minute the new year begins is unwise.

That's because we enter January with Mercury still in Retrograde. Which means Start Nothing New!

It is like the 9 vibration is asking you one more time to let go of more stuff from your past before you put all your focus into creating something new. 

This planet of communication has been retrograde since December 19th. And while Mercury goes direct again on the 8th, the retrograde shadow lingers for another 5 or more days. Pesky shadows!

So for the first half of January think about what you wish to create, what you’d like to start, expand or grow in some way… and wait until the 15th before taking action.

Pause, plan, envision,

and wait to mid-month to take action on new things.


Expand and Shine…

these are the key areas for January and all of 2017

New Beginnings: This is a double-edged sword, because in order to truly have a new beginning you have to decide what you want.

The energy is working with you to get clear on that. You can always start with a list of what you don’t want and jot down the opposite of it.

Then look at that list and see what speaks to you, arouses your curiosity or inspires you in some way.

Those things are part of what you want. Take steps in that direction.

Focus on what you want... and stop giving energy to what you don’t want (or you’ll bring more of that in).


Individuality: If you were shedding things last year that weren’t you or no longer part of who you want to be, this month coaxes more of the “true you” to the surface.

Stop being afraid of what people will think. Your opinion of you is the only one that really matters.

Be you in all your messy, beautiful glory.

Be courageous.

When you choose to be more you and infuse more of you into everything you do, wonderful things start happening and new opportunities begin to show up.

Delight yourself.

That energy can be contagious.


Independence: Become your own hero.

Stop waiting for others to come to your rescue.

Be supportive of yourself.

Take responsibility for yourself (and only you!)

Stop doing things for others in hopes that they will like you or do something for you in exchange.

It is fine to do things for others as long as you fill your well first… and you don’t attach any spoken or unspoken strings to your actions and intentions.

Make your well-being a priority.


Creativity: Whether you think you’re creative or not, please know that everyone is creative, so you’re no exception.

You may need to broaden your definition of creative though.

Tap into your creative essence.

Allow it to come through, invite it to collaborate with you.

Your creative side inspires new ideas to flow and helps you see solutions to things that were tripping you up.

And if you like to do artsy things, make time for them this month.

Allow your inner child out to play.

Be original. Expand your imagination.


Determination: After a truly tough year you might feel like you’ve had it. This month you can be the Phoenix rising from its ashes.

You can renew your sense of purpose and resolve to move forward despite any obstacles that were in your way last year.

The 1 vibration is ambitious and wants you to succeed.

Borrow that energy, set your intentions and go for what you want.

Be assertive without mowing anyone else down.

Don’t fight or resist.

Move forward with Grace and course correct when necessary. 


Yes, there is also a Shadow Side to this potent 1 vibration...

The Shadow Side of the 1 vibration may show up in the following ways: stubbornness, being bossy, demanding, selfishness, egotistical, inconsiderate, moralistic, self-righteous, hypersensitivity, feeling closed-off or shut down, unimaginative, arrogance, self-importance, and aggressiveness.

If you notice yourself falling into any of these shadow aspects of the 1, it is a message for you.

Chances are that you are not honoring yourself in some way, not showing up for yourself, not allowing yourself to create what you desire, or you are letting fear dictate your wants and needs.

The shadow feelings help you become aware of what is really going on inside you.

Where you feel out of alignment or out of touch with what you really want to do, be and experience.

From that place of awareness you can choose differently. 

And be gentle with yourself and kind to those around you.

We are all dealing with a lot right now.


Want more info or a refresher on 2017

Since 2017 ushers in a whole new 9-year cycle for the planet, there’s a lot going on.  For more on what this means you can read my blog post “Ring in the New”  

And watch my video 2017 A New Cycle Begins

Here's the link again for January's video


BTW, we also usher in Chinese New Year on January 28th!

Welcome to the Year of the Rooster. Which, in many ways, mirrors and magnifies the energy of the 1 vibration. More on that in another post.


Bottom Line

Take the energy of this month to explore what it is you really want.

Not what you think you should want, do or be, but what YOU want.

Take a mental break from other people’s input and ideas and start listening to your heart, what your gut is telling you, and what your intuition leads you to.

Then take small steps towards that.

If you’re not sure, then follow your curiosity!


Create a magnificent month… and year! 

with love & blessings & appreciation for you,

PS. Thanks in advance for liking and sharing my posts!

PPS. If you are interested in learning more about what your numbers have in store for you in 2017, consider booking a numerology consultation with me to help you understand what the combination of your Life Path Number, Personal Year Number and Universal Year Number mean for you. You can contact me here

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I'd love to hear your thoughts... you can share in the comments area below!

Note: Parts of this blog post appeared on my monthly numerology post on Sunny Dawn Johnston's website.

Posted by Karen Winkelman on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 9:41 PM
Categories: Numerology, Responsibility, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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