Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"If you want to see the brave, look at those who can forgive. If you want to see the heroic, look at those who can love in return for hatred."
~ Bhagavad Gita

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by Karen M. Winkelman Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December - 3 - Connect with your joy - Girl smilingThe energy of December resonates with self-expression and joy.

This month practice connecting to your joy  (or a feeling close to joy)

and letting joy be your guide.

If you are faced with making a decision on something, choose the one that feel more joyful or “lighter.” 


According to numerology December is a 3 vibration month.

The 3 vibration is about: Self-Expression, Sensitivity, Enjoyment, JoyThe Light Side of the 3 ibration, Nurturing, Social Activity, Fun, Pleasure, Enthusiasm and Passion. The 3 is full of creative energy as well.

As the 12th month of the year, December influences the 3 vibration with undertones of the number 12.

The 12 brings in elements of education, learning and teaching, indecision, and sacrifice.

Apparently the essence of the 3 vibration (joy – passion - self-expression and so on) is so important that we get to visit this energy twice a year: December and March.


December is a blend of self-nurturing and social activity. Sometimes socializing might be an act of self-nurturing; sometimes it is stress-inducing. So be aware of how you feel when participating in social activities.

You can watch my video about the energy of December here.


Reach for whatever level of joy you can in your day to day life.

If you struggle with the concept of joy or uncertain about what joy really feels like, that’s ok. No reason to beat yourself up or give up.

Instead pick a couple of happy memories and then remember how it made you feel.

Hold that good vibe for a bit.

Now multiply it by 3.

Now multiply it by 5.

And then multiply that good feeling by 10.

Just allow that good vibration of that happy memory to wash over you and fill you up.

You can recapture this feeling any time you want to.

Pick things that make you feel good, feel happy or feel light. These things raise your vibration and help you attract more of what you really want into your life.

If you feel like you are slogging through mud, take stock of the situation and really ask yourself why are you doing this crappy feeling thing?

(It might be a “should” or a feeling of obligation that has hood-winked you into thinking it was necessary when it really wasn’t.)

Pause and connect to your happy memory and make a different choice from that space.

What will make you feel good?

What will you enjoy doing?

What will make you laugh or smile?

Choose one of those things to lift you up.


Self-expression is so important this month… speak honestly and with kindness… as your words (either spoken or written), can work for you – or can work against you depending on how you choose to express yourself.

Be open to expressing yourself honestly rather than bottling it up and pretending everything is fine if it isn’t. Bottling it up prolongs the pain! And it really helps no one.


While the 3 wants you to nurture yourself and have fun, the 12 is prodding you to look within for the answers and solutions.

When you allow the ego to be sacrificed to Spirit,

you will easily receive the wisdom and answers you seek.


The Shadow side of the 3 vibration

Some of the shadow aspects of the 3 are superficiality, vanity, fickleness, critical, manipulative, and self-indulgent.

If the shadow side of the 3 or the self-sacrificing and indecisive aspects of the 12 show up in your life and switch it by doing or remembering something that brings you joy.



Joy will raise your vibration and shift you out of the funk.


Celestial Aspects to be aware of:

  • New Moon on the 11th

  • Full Moon on the 25th

  • The Winter Solstice is on December 22st This is a time for joyful creation and planning what you’d like to bring forth in the New Year. (And if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, you are celebrating Summer Solstice)

  • Most of December we’re in the Fire sign Sagittarius. Combined with the 3 vibration, you might feel like you have to be busy all the time, a bundle of activity, flitting from one thing to the next, and perhaps a bit self-indulgent. You may want to do and buy things that you know are really not in your best interest. With the holiday season you may overdo it! So be sure to take some down time to relax. Also, Sagittarius can be impulsive. Be aware of this when planning or shopping for the holidays.

  • We move into the Earth sign Capricorn on December 22nd,which shifts the mood from bubbly activity to a more practical and grounded approach to things.


Questions to ask yourself or journal about:  

  • Are you expressing yourself honestly?
  • Where are you feeling stressed or anxious?

  • What are you worried about?

  • Are you allowing time in your schedule for you to relax and nurture yourself?

  • How can you bring more joy into your life?

  • How can you include more fun in your day?

  • How can you express yourself creatively?

  • Where do you think or feel you need to sacrifice?

  • What do you think you need to give up to get what you want?

  • What can you do each week to pamper yourself?

  • What do you want to learn?

  • What do you wish to teach?

  • What lessons previously learned have you forgotten?


Bottom Line Smiley faces with the words "Joy will raise your vibration and shift you out of the funk"

Connect to your joy.

Or practice connecting to joy (or a close approximation thereof!).

Lighten up.

Allow yourself to have fun and laugh and create.

Take time for self-nurturing.

Express yourself honestly.


Wishing you a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and abundance...

with love & blessings,




PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts... you can share in the comments area below!

PPS. Thanks in advance for liking and sharing my posts!

I invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page too!

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Wednesday, December 23, 2015 1:19 AM
Categories: Numerology, Self-Acceptance, Self-Care, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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