For the next month we'll be operating under the influence of Eclipses, Retrogrades and Wonky Energy…
along with the Divine Feminine and Trickster tossed in for good measure.
Just in case you were afraid that it might get a bit boring!
Normally I don’t write about astrological influences, well…
because I’m a Numerologist not an Astrologer (said in my best impersonation of Star Trek’s Dr. “Bones” McCoy).
It’s not for lack of trying though.
I’ve studied astrology...
Categories: Numerology, Self-Care, Grounding, Energy, Moons, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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It’s July, and I’m sort of stunned that we are already halfway through 2018.
This year has packed a punch and for me, as well as others I’ve spoken to, it is moving at warp speed!
Time seems to be blurring.
Days blend into weeks and morph into months.
The Solstice has come and gone.
And here we are, embarking on the second half of 2018. Wow.
July includes one of my favorite numbers –...
Categories: Numerology, Self-Care, Clarity, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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