Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Everything you want is on the other side of fear. "
~ Jack Canfield

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by Karen M. Winkelman Sunday, August 3, 2014

Woman putting money in piggy bankWelcome to August and the energy of the 8 vibration, the number of material mastery.

The majestic 8 vibration also resonates with Abundance, Power, Recognition, Success, Organization, and Problem-solving.

Are you ready to deal with the ins and outs of this dynamic month?

July had a bit of a laid back feel to it, unless you were resisting the 7s desire for time outs and retreating from the activities.

August likes the action and kinetic energy. It thrives on electric interaction and ambition… the drive to succeed.

When not properly directed, this shows up as drama –or even melodrama– in your life and workplace. Things can get intense and feel intense.

This month is a preview of the energy we will all be working with next year in 2015. Yes, indeed the fabulous 8 vibration, known as the number of power, fame and fortune.

This year, the number 7 is teaching us to trust our intuition, go within, and allow head and heart to work together. Next year the number 8 will teach us all about material mastery.

The number 8 is a symbol for heaven and earth; it is also an infinity symbol standing upright. These are both great clues hinting at the best way to work with this powerful vibration.

The key to material mastery of the 8 vibration is to come from spirit and higher guidance rather than ego.

When you come from ego, you are pulling in the lower essence of the 8 vibration, and while you might succeed in gaining money, and recognition, it will come with a price and you may not enjoy what you have achieved.

This month gives you fuel to succeed in your endeavors. The Light Side of the 8 Vibration

However, the opportunities you are looking for may be disguised as a problem.

If you are willing to let the 8 vibration work its magic on solving the problem, you could uncover and wonderful surprise hidden within. 

So the message here is don’t be afraid or dissuaded by challenges that appear in your life, for moving through them will reward you with excellent opportunities and gifts you never realized were there.

Since the 8 is material mastery, anywhere that you are out of alignment with that will show up in your day-to-day life.

For some it might be finances that need attention. The 8 can help with manifesting money.

However, if you are not facing where you are financially and acting responsibly, the 8 will shine a spotlight on it to get your attention. Perhaps a big unexpected bill will arrive.

And if you are keeping tabs on your finances, perhaps an unexpected check will show up. You may also experience a see saw between having enough and worrying about having enough.

August is also an “in-your-head” vibration, with similar polarity as the 7 vibration that’s in play for 2014.

balancing head & heartOne side of the pole is being in your head, following your logic mind and preconceived ideas and beliefs on one side.

The other side of the pole is being guided by Spirit, intuition, higher guidance, thinking outside the box, letting go of preconceptions so you can solve the deeper meaning (7) or intricate problem (8).

When both poles opperate in harmony everything flows smoothly. When the poles go back and forth, things in your life go back and forth.

Be aware of when this happens so you can shift gears or poles!


We start the month off in fiery Leo who loves being center stage. (Hear me Roar!)

Leo is so 8 vibration! If you are into performing or the arts at all, this month could help you gain the recognition you seek. Courage and the ability to persuade are also part of the 8 vibration and Leo too.

The 8 is more of a mind-oriented number, and since we will be in the fire sign of Leo for most of the month, you may find yourself being led around by your mind, past stories and ego acting out.

Although with the 8 vibration’s perceptivity, you might be able to find a balance with following your higher guidance as well as your beautiful brain.

Since we are dealing with head and heart all of 2014, this is another month, like July was, where finding a balance between head and heart becomes so important and instrumental to your personal growth.

The 8 vibration also supports and encourages organizing.

This aspect of the 8 will show up even more when we move into Virgo the last week of the month.

The 8 will also help you manage any business endeavor or new opportunity. The last week of August thoughts will run more toward security, practicality and order, thanks to Virgo’s influence.

the Shadow side of the 8 vibrationThe shadow of the 8 breeds contradiction, vanity, jealousy, deception, manipulation, chaos, materialism and impatience with others.

This month, pay attention to your finances, your career and your personal power.

If you are in denial or ignoring these aspects of your life, challenges may show up to bring them into the spotlight so you can deal with them.

Notice where in your life you keep giving your power away. Where do you play victim?

If your personal pity party has been going on so long that it is starting to bore you, this is a great month to end it and seize the opportunity to dust yourself off and create something better for yourself.

Take a look at the stories you tell yourself around money, your personal power (ability, deservingness, etc.), and how you are being appreciated (or not).

Start by appreciating yourself. Give yourself recognition for everything you do: “Hey! Good job!”

Shift the focus from dwelling on everything you didn’t get done (which will always make you feel less than in some way) to celebrating anything that you did get done. 

Some questions to ask or journal about:

  • How are you handling your money?
  • Where are you being recognized and acknowledged for your work/contribution?
  • Where are you not being recognized and acknowledged for your work/contribution?
  • Where are you giving your power away?
  • When and how do you give your power away?
  • What do you need to get organized?
  • What clutter can you clear up?
  • Where would you like to take charge or take the lead on something?
  • What insights have you gained about how you handle the material aspects of your life?
  • Where are you embracing the energy of money and material things?
  • Where are you rejecting the energy of money and material things?
  • Where are you judging material things a somehow less than the spiritual elements of life?
  • What project or opportunity can you allow spirit to guide you in now?
  • What problems are you facing that are really an opportunity in disguise if you are willing to delve into it without fear?
  • What systems can you put in place?
  • What is calling for you to be courageous?
  • What needs to be prioritized?
  • Where are you lacking direction?
  • Where or when do you feel financially insecure?
  • What spiritual practice can you add or commit to doing this month?
  • What charitable or humanitarian act can you do this month?
  • What would you like to succeed at?
  • Where are you playing victim?
  • What are you telling yourself you aren’t good enough to do, be or have?
  • Where don’t you feel up to the task? Why?

Bottome Line:

Use August’s 8 vibration to take aligned actions, climb out of your rut, and get your “house” in order.  This month get up close and personal with your finances, no matter how scary that may seem.

Guy looking at map with question marks; if you don' t know where you areIf you are living in the land of denial, this month (and all of 2014) will be shattering that illusion and shining a spotlight on the truth.

If you don’t know where you are you can’t really change much because you won’t be clear on where to even start.

Use this month to set a more solid foundation for yourself, as you will be living the energy of the 8 vibration all next year.

This month also carries with it a certain serenity or peace that comes from embracing the spiritual aspects of the material world. You can have both heaven and earth together.

Check in with your logic mind, thank your ego for its input, and allow your spirit, heart and higher guidance to make the final decisions.

And stop giving your power away!

Create a magnificent month, and reward yourself for all you accomplish. Seriously!

Love & blessings,

PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on dealing with the energy of August, and material mastery ... feel free to share in the comments area below!

PPS. Share the love… if you like what you read, please share it on your favorite social media sites. My heartfelt appreciation in advance!

BTW, If you are interested in learning more about numerology or about your personal or business numerology is affecting your life, consider scheduling a session with me. You can learn more about it here

You can also check out my numerology video updates on my homepage... or you can also find them on my video page – look under drop-down menu for the August Update and the 2014 Overview videos.

I invite you to check out my Facebook page too

(some elements of the graphics are courtesy of Microsoft Corporation... thank you!)

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Sunday, August 3, 2014 7:34 PM
Categories: Numerology, Intuition, Self-Acceptance, Manifesting, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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