Clients and others I meet keep asking me about grounding and protecting their energy: what does it mean, how do I do it, when do I do it, why do I do it, and is it something they should consider doing too.
So here is the first in what may turn out to be a series of posts on grounding.
1) What does grounding mean?
Grounding is a simple way to connect your energy to the Earth. It provides you with stability and a way to release any unwanted energies you might pick up during your day. It is a good way to release emotional residues. It can help you focus and keep your thoughts and emotions from spinning off into space.
Grounding to the Earth and drawing down the Divine light (white light or gold light) is like giving your energy field a shower. It helps you clear it, restore balance to it and heal and seal it.
2) Is this something you might consider doing?
Yes, I highly recommend getting into the practice of grounding your energy and protecting your energy regularly (daily if possible).
3) When do I do it?
For me it is a daily ritual. Some days I give myself a nice long luxurious time to ground and replenish my energy field. Other days I’m in a rush and I do a quick grounding exercise. And there are some days I feel the need to ground (and protect) my energy two or more times over the course of the day.
4) Why do I do it?
I like to start the day of by clearing and replenishing my energy field. It makes me feel better, lighter and more connected to Source.
And I do it when I’ve had a challenging day at work, or feel frazzled, or scattered, or angry or upset for no apparent reason. I go outside, kick off my shoes and stand barefoot on the grass. I release the “gunk” into the Earth to be transmuted (I ask permission first and give thanks afterwards). I feel that denseness leave my body and feel better. I draw down white light to replace what I released with a higher vibration. That way it doesn’t try to creep back in!
If there is no grass, any piece of nature will do, trees are great for this and so are rocks.
Simple Grounding Exercise
5) How do I do it?
There are many ways to ground yourself and I use a few different ways.
One of my favorites is to imagine that my feet are rooted deep in the earth. You don’t have to “feel” this to have it work.
I like to take my shoes off and stand on the grass or the ground outside, but you can do this anywhere, with or without your shoes on!
You can do it sitting down or standing up. The important thing is to remember to do it!
Take 3 slow, deep breaths to help center you. Then imagine that you have roots going down into the earth (either from your feet or from your tail bone/root chakra).
Imagine that the energy of the Earth is moving up into your energy field helping you to ground. If you like you can imagine the earth energy has a color.
Then imagine you have a beam of white light coming into the top of your head through your crown chakra.
I like to imagine the white light and energy from the earth mingling together in my heart chakra, then radiating out from my body, surrounding my entire energy field in this cocktail of white light, Earth energy and heart energy.
I imagine this energy is healing every part of my being and sealing any cracks in my energy field and aura, and surrounding me in a protective bubble.
Then I invoke the blue light of Archangel Michael to surround me and protect me and my energy field from all negative energies and entities, seen and unseen. I imagine a beautiful bubble of sapphire blue light surrounds me.
I close by thanking the Creator, Archangel Michael, the Earth, and my Angels and Guides for their assistance in helping me to ground and protect my energy and maintain my energy throughout the day.
Give Grounding a try. Let me know how it works for you!
Blessings galore...