Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Drama is a choice - so is peace."
~ Anonymous

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by Karen Winkelman Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Palms silhouetted against a dark blue sky with the words "It’s Ba-ack…Yes, Folks, It’s Mercury Retrograde Time Again "As I write this, we have been in the Mercury Pre-Retrograde Shadow for a week.

I can’t begin to tell you all the weird tech glitches and communication snafus that have been showing up already in the Winkelman household.

Including the ability to add this blog to my website! (Thankfully, my tech wizard husband was able to fix that glitch.)

Hopefully, you’re having a gentler shift into this Mercury retrograde. 


This Cosmic Enforced Slowdown straddles three months: July, August, and September 2024

  • Pre-Retrograde Shadow: July 16 – Aug 3
  • Mercury Retrograde: August 4 – 28
  • Mercury goes direct again on August 28th
  • Post Retrograde Shadow: Aug 29 – September 10

By the way, the days when the planet switches gears and either goes retrograde or goes direct (returns to forward motion) generally deliver the most intense punch of energy.

At the beginning of the year, I note those dates in my calendar so I know to factor them in before taking action.

Of course, I also add the actual Mercury Retrogrades and Shadows for the year to my calendar. It’s become part of my New Year ritual.   

Because we have the influence of the Pre- and Post-Retrograde Shadows, instead of just a 3-week retrograde period, we actually deal with the interesting effects of this planet for about 7 to 8 weeks… three or four times a year.

Fun, huh!  


During this time, plan for communication slowdowns, schedule changes, and technology hiccups or outright disruptions.

You may also notice that people, opportunities, and situations from the past show up again in your life in some way.

Sometimes, this is to clear anything unfinished in that relationship.

Sometimes, it is an opportunity to reconnect in a new way.

It might also be an opportunity for you to get clear on what you want and don’t want in your life going forward.


Mercury Retrograde periods are a Start-Nothing-New Zone.

It’s ok to work on things that you started, even something from years ago.

Anything from the past is supported.

It’s just not an ideal time for new ideas to gain traction.

Yet there is still so much you can do.


Abstract green backgroung with the words "What to do during Mercury Retrogrades"What To Do When Mercury is in Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde is considered a “slowing down” period.

This makes it a wonderful time to Relax, Rethink, and Rebalance!

(Que up the old Simon and Garfunkel tune: “Slow down, you move too fast…”)

It is also a perfect time for:

  • Re-evaluating what you want in life
  • Refocusing your priorities
  • Revisiting past plans, ideas, and creative projects
  • Regenerating
  • Replenishing
  • Reassessing where you are
  • Reworking or editing existing drafts (documents, stories, proposals, etc.)
  • Reconnecting with things that bring you joy
  • Reimagining your work, creative expression, your business, or your life
  • Rethinking your commitments and direction
  • Resolving past life issues
  • Releasing things that no longer serve you
  • Reorganizing… your closet, drawers, office, house
  • Removing clutter
  • Revisiting your past (old friends & things you once loved but make no time for now)
  • Renewing your Spiritual practice
  • Replacing unhealthy habits with new habits that support you
  • Working on anything that’s already in process
  • And getting plenty of REST!


Red abstract background with the words "What Not To Do During Mercury Retrogrades"What Not To Do When Mercury is in Retrograde

  • Anything brand-spanking new
  • Launch anything
  • Buy anything of importance (car, house, boat, RV, etc.)
  • Sign legal documents (things tend to go differently than planned)
  • Make big decisions (you may overlook critical information)
  • Start a Business or Job (If you do, it will turn out differently than you expected... which doesn't mean it will turn out badly; it will just be different than you thought it would be. Yep, you got it. I speak from experience here.)



Abstract orange background with the words "Challenges During Mercury Retrogrades"What Challenges Often Show Up When Mercury is in Retrograde

  • Tech Gremlins at work... all technology tends to act up and misbehave, often in very odd ways
  • Schedule changes, appointment cancelations, and plans changing and changing again!
  • Miscommunications across the board: written, email, spoken (phone and in-person), social media posts, news outlets, and so on
  • Misunderstandings
  • Missing or incomplete information
  • Start-Stop-Start-Stop instead of flow
  • Things get lost or go missing, including important notices, emails, and so on
  • Wrong merchandise shows up
  • You think it’s “This,” but it’s actually “That”
  • Misreading or misinterpreting the energy and other things
  • The need for patience!


Bottom Line

Back up your computers!

Take extra care with all your communications.

Double-check every effing detail… in everything you do…

especially when it comes to any travel you are undertaking, your plans and schedules, your purchasing decisions, and your tech gear.

All of this is ripe for interfering Retrograde Gremlins.

Practice Patience, Please.


As a Public Service, I’m giving you 2024’s remaining Mercury Retrograde period below… 

  • Pre-Retrograde Shadow: November 7 – 24
  • Mercury Retrograde: Nov 25 – Dec 15
  • Mercury goes direct again on December 15th
  • Post Retrograde Shadow: Dec 16 – Jan 1, 2025

Ya might want to make a note of the dates in your calendar. Just sayin…

Work with the energy of the retrograde period instead of pushing against it or fighting it.

There’s no need to surrender your power to the Retrograde Gremlins or push pause on your life. Just be aware that some of these things may show up.

Word to the wise:

Don’t try to fight the slowdown effect of the retrograde either… or do things in defiance of the retrograde.

If you work with the energy, it will be supportive of you. If you fight it, it fights back.

Dance with it. Play with it. Slow and steady… and relax!


Bonus Bit

If you are an info hound like me and just love to learn, my friend, Astrologer Debra Clement, has written a brilliant piece explaining what Mercury retrograde is and why it occurs… plus she offers a comprehensive list of “Do & Don’t Do” during a Mercury Retrograde. 


Relax... You got this!

With love and appreciation,


PS. Do you have something you'd like to share about retrogrades?  I'd love to hear it. Share in the comments area below! And if you enjoyed this post, I invite you to share it. Thanks!

Posted by Karen Winkelman on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 12:00 AM
Categories: Self-Care, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
Tags: (No Tags)
On Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 4:45 PM
Liz said...
"Hello Beautiful!So delighted to hear your sage advice again! Keep it up, your insights and wisdom are needed ??Love and blessings,Liz"
On Friday, July 26, 2024 at 8:19 PM
Karen said...
"Hi Liz! Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words and support! Hope all is well at your end of the world :) with my love and appreciation, Karen"

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It’s Ba-ack…Yes, Folks, It’s Mercury Retrograde Time Again
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