Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone."
~ Lin Yutang

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen M. Winkelman Thursday, September 3, 2015

tree, ocean & feather with words "letting go" and "September 9"The energy of September is about letting go.

Not only letting go of things and relationships, but also outdated programming and beliefs that no longer serve your highest good.

(Yeah... they might still be serving your old beliefs about yourself and the world you live in, and doing a fantastic job of keeping you stuck or diminishing yourself in some way... but that's not the higher good you can receive!

If it is tearing you down or holding you hostage... let that f-er go!)


September is a 9 vibration month... according to numerology.

In addition to Letting Go of what no longer serves you, the 9 is about Truth, Integrity, Wisdom, Compassion, Inspiration, Caring, Empathy, Forgiveness, and Completion.

September’s energy is whispering to you

“Step into Surrendered Trust.”

Surrendered trust is letting go of the pretense that you actually have control over life’s situations and surrendering to the Divine instead of fighting it.

(It is not, absolutely not, "giving up" - they are two different things...

Giving up is throwing in the towel, admitting defeat or failure or deciding you don't really want it anymore.

Surrender is realizing you cannot control it and you are screwing it up by trying to control it, so you slip into the passenger seat and let the Divine / Spirit / Higher-Guidance drive for a bit.)

When you try to control things, you limit your options to only what is known to you.

You create from the past, and recreate dynamics that you probably want to change anyway.

You can't control it so stop trying.

This month gives you a boost in letting go of the need to control.

Partner with the Universe.

Allow yourself to be open and receptive to what is possible for you at this time.

Become aware of what crap you’ve been dragging around life time after life time.

Question your beliefs and where they came from.

Are you chasing your tail?

You may be looking at the wrong thing.

Go beneath the story you tell yourself.

Truth dwells there if you are willing to look.

My September energy update video may help you with what is going on this month and provide you with more insight... and the downloads I receive from Spirit on the videos provides additional guidence for you.

The 9 also pokes at you to pay attention to truth and integrity:

Are you...

  • Knowing (or becoming aware) of what is true for you

  • Following your truth

  • Expressing your truth (without trying to convert anyone else to your truth!)

  • Speaking the truth (or stretching and bending it… or even avoiding it)

  • Being impeccable with your word

  • In integrity with who you are being and what you are doing

  • In integrity with the company you keep


The 9 signifies and end of a cycle, completion, time to reevaluate areas of your life...

  • You can look back at the entire year and assess what was working what was not

  • You may take a good look at your relationships… are they healthy, supportive and worth holding on to – or are they toxic and depleting

  • You might finally be willing to face whatever you are still clinging to that holds you down and keeps you in a place of blame, shame, guilt, resentment, and hurt

  • You may question if your job, career or other activities fit who you are becoming

  • You may look around your home and office and decide it is time to clear clutter and release items that no longer delight you

  • You can decide if some changes are needed and put a plan in place to make some changes

  • You may realize that it is time to just let it go (whatever you’ve been holding on to – emotions, people, beliefs, etc.) and move on


Release the things (including thoughts and habits) that are not in alignment with who you are becoming (or wanting to be).

The good news is if you are ready and willing to let go, September’s 9 vibration can assist you!


The Light and the Shadow

yellow sky with wrods about the Light Side of the 9gray clouds with the words aboout the Shadow Side of the 9 vibration











Some Celestial Reminders and Cosmic Aspects to Keep in Mind:

  • New Moon on the 13th - great time for creating or beginning something

  • Full Moon on the 28th - great time for relasing and letting go

  • Mercury Retrograde Alert! Mercury goes retrograde on September 17 through October 9th. The shadow of the retrograde may have an affect about a week to ten days before the actual retrograde. Mercury effects communications of all kinds, schedules, legal things and electronic gear. So back up your computers. Take extra care and time with your communications. Stay flexible with your plans... things may change in a blink.

  • Equinox on the 23rd   - For the Northern hemisphere this signifies the harvest and ties in neatly to the energy of the 9 vibration… reaping what you sow. Celebrate all that you have experienced and allow yourself to let go of the things that are no longer nourishing you.

  • Uranus is still retrograde since the end of July and will continue to poke at us till Christmas. This is the rebel planet and it is stirring up the hornets nest, showing where things are outdated and need to be replaced... on a personal and global level. It demands that you face the areas in your life that need to be changed whether or not you are ready to change or even consider change!

  • Most of the month you will also be dealing with the sun sign of Virgo, so letting go of stuff and especially the need to control could be challenging! 
  • When we move into Libra letting go comes easier.  Libra may also help you with seeking more balance in your life.


Some Questions to Ponder orJournal About:

  • What are you trying to control?

  • Where do you feel stuck?

  • Who are you still holding on to?

  • What are you unwilling to forgive?

  • Where are you blaming yourself or someone else?

  • What habits, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors no longer serve you in a positive way?

  • Where are you holding on to past hurts?

  • How do you want your life to look like and feel like?

  • Is it true?

  • How can you improve your health?

  • How can you speak your truth?

  • How can you show yourself more kindness and compassion?

  • What is coming to an end now? How do you feel about it?


Bottom Line

The theme of this month is letting go and having compassion… not just for others but for you as well. Evaluate what's working, what's not. Create a plan for changing, ending or releasing whatever is no longer working for you.

And while you are at it, add in hefty doses of kindness and forgiveness!

with my love & blessings and gratitude,





PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts... you can share in the comments area below!

PPS. Please share my blog post and help me be of service to others… Thanks a bunch!

I invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page too!

If you would like some help getting beneath the story you tell yourself or letting go of what is no longer serving your highest good, I'd love to work with you if we're a fit.

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Thursday, September 3, 2015 10:05 PM
Categories: Numerology, Healing, Self-Care, Beliefs, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment, Transformation
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