Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"Call your true self forward... therein lies your beauty and power and from there the love flows. "
~ Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen M. Winkelman Saturday, November 16, 2013

Have you see the beautiful full moon tonight?

This is the Full Beaver Moon (Native American) and it is happening tomorrow morning (November 17th) in the sign of Taurus.

What are you ready to release?

What are you tired of dragging around (person, place, thing, belief, habit, etc.)?


What would make your life fuller, richer and more potent if you could just let go of it?

Fill in the blanks:

If I could just let go of ___________, I would feel better about myself.

If I could just release my attachment to ___________, I would feel more at peace.

If I could just let go of my expectations around ___________, I would feel more lightness, joy, peacefulness, freedom, (etc.)

If I could just release my need to ___________, I would judge myself less and feel better about myself.

Each of these can provide you with some powerful insights if you are willing to explore them.

The last one packs a wallop, because we don’t often think in terms of our needs being a handicap.

But some of them are. Here’s a few that you might have in place that could be running (and in some cases ruining) your happiness:

the need to be…

right – liked/loved  – appreciated – wanted/desired – accepted – smart – “normal”

– part of a group – special (and this list goes on…)

Do any of these resonate with you?

If so, is it time to let them go?

Isn’t your happiness and peace of mind worth it?


I’d like to share some wisdom that my friend and colleague, Tara Suthphen, shared about this full moon…

"This Beaver Full Moon is bringing us in touch with why we came to earth to experience being human. We're either trying to wrap our heads around why we are here or we shake our heads and can't find a good reason why.

"But we do know, we have the wants and desires. And maybe we'd like to gain insight into why we've come into contact with the people, places and things that matter to us. We want to live more, not less. We want to touch and encounter more of what our lives are to be. And we just want…more…

"...this Beaver Moon is bringing us another intense message of awakening. We are energetic beings and when we use this time to align our mind, heart, and soul to connect with the gravitational pull and the magnificence of life, it can help release our blocks. Set free all those issues that hold us in a stagnant place of disquiet, nonsense, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction.

"This Full Moon energy at this intensity level will never be at this aspect again in this life…If you were to sorce on one moon in your lifetime. This one is the One! If you have been suffering with your health or any problem, set the situation free. And with your new liberation, you initiate to greater possibilities. Trust…"

– Tara Sutphen  (www.tarasutphen.com & www.moonsorce.com)

Let go...

Blessing to you!


Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Saturday, November 16, 2013 12:00 AM
Categories: Healing, Self-Care, Moons, Self-Awareness, Transformation
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