Wednesday evening, February 12, I enjoyed being a guest speaker on Feng Shui Master SandiSue’s Transform & Elevate in 2025 Zoom call.
We explored how to align with and embrace the Ener'Chi of the Number 9 Vibration and the Year of the Snake. (In Chinese Astrology, 2025 is also the Year of the Snake.)
I invite you to listen to me speak about the Universal 9 Year of 2025 and the other key factors that are activated this year.
Here is the audio from that call… (It's about an hour in length.)
Some of the points I covered in my talk are…
The 9 Year is traditionally known for endings and completion. The 9 Year is also about reevaluation, change, compassion, forgiveness, and letting go.
A 9-year also helps you lay the foundation for what comes next. A new 9-year cycle begins in 2026. Decide what you wish to create as your life. Release the things that aren’t in alignment with your vision.
The combination of the 9 Vibration with the Chinese Astrology Year of the Snake in 2025 is a catalyst for transformation in preparation for the new cycle that will begin next year.
Like the snake, it's time to shed your “old skin” and make space for something greater to come into your life.
Key focus areas I touched on:
- Clearing out the clutter —physical, emotional, and energetic.
- Recognizing, strengthening, and following your intuition
- Relationships and restoring your sense of balance
- Seeing things from a different or new perspective
- Shedding old patterns
- Compassion and forgiveness
- Paying attention to your health
- Reassessing everything in your life… everything.
If you are interested in learning more about the 9 Year, I wrote a blog about it The 9 Year of 2025: Clearing Space to Create More of What You Would Like
If you would like my guidance on what to focus on and what may be showing up for you based on the combination of your Personal and Universal Years, I invite you to book a Numerology Forecast session with me.
May you let go with ease and grace and thrive in this Universal 9 Year!
Be You.
With deep appreciation,