Although 2025 is a new year, it is also a 9 Year in numerology and the end of a cycle.
The 9 Vibration tells you it is time to let go of:
Who you thought you were and step more fully into who you really are and who you are becoming, and
What you thought you wanted or needed and what really is important to you going forward.
Of course, this means taking a good, objective, and honest look at yourself and your life.
Determine what’s working, what’s not, and what’s reached its expiration date.
Shedding the Old to Clear the Path for the New
In addition to this being a 9 Year, it is also the Year of the Snake in Chinese Astrology. Like the snake shedding its skin when it outgrows it, we are being asked to shed our old “skin” to clear our path and create space for new energy, possibilities, and opportunities to come to us.
Clear out the clutter in your life (physical, mental, and emotional).
Clear out the things that no longer support you in who you want to be and what you want to do and have.
Get clear on what matters to you and what you can leave behind. Be ruthless.
- Do you really want to keep dragging that crap around?
- Do you really want to create your future from your past?
- Or would you like to create your future from the present and expand from there?
Holding onto your past and dragging it with you year after year is exhausting. (Been there, done that, no fun.)
Next year begins a new 9-year cycle, so use this year wisely to create space for new growth and possibilities to come to you.
Yes, that means letting go of things and making necessary changes and conscious choices (instead of living on autopilot).
Please be kind to yourself in the process. Self-reflection and change can stir up a tornado of emotions. Besides, most humans tend to hang on to things even when those things clearly aren’t working out, or making them happy, or supporting them… for more reasons than I can cover in this blog.
So, be patient and compassionate with yourself through all this. OK? You are worth it!
Endings, Completion, Reevaluation, Compassion, Change, Letting Go
Since mid-December, I had a note in my calendar to write a blog about the Universal 9 Year that was kicking off on January 1, 2025. I wanted to help you be prepared for some of the energies at play for this year.
Life (as it often does) had other plans. Those Universe-enforced speed bumps included health, family, and fur-baby issues for the most part, including the passing of a beloved kitty. Try as I might, my heart was not in it to write this post.
Apparently, I needed a little energy boost from the Cosmos. That appeared on January 29th with the start of the Chinese Lunar New Year. This new moon signaled the transition from the Year of the Dragon (2024) to the Year of the Snake (2025).
Thankfully, it also opened up the space for me to connect more fully to the energy of the year, so I could write about the 9 vibration year that kicked off on January 1st.
For all of us, 2025 is a 9 Year and the completion of a 9-year numerology cycle that began in 2017.
In addition to the Universal Year at play, there are other number vibrations affecting you as well, such as your Personal Year Number and your Life Path Number.
Depending on the numbers, they may work great together like a team using the same playbook… or they may be very different characters, trying to pull you in different directions.
For many people, the Personal Year number will be different than the Universal Year.
For me, 2025 is a Personal 1-Year. It sounds bonkers to have my Personal Year be the start of a new cycle and have to deal with the Universal Year being the completion of a cycle. Endings and Beginnings entwined.
Last year was my Personal 9-Year during the Universal 8-Year. So, I’ve been steeped in this “endings and evaluating energy” for a while now. It can get a bit confusing… even if I know the gist of what to expect, each time I’m in a 9-year (or any year for that matter), it will not be the same as the previous cycle. But I digress. (If you’d like to know how your numbers are contributing to your life, I invite you to consider an Annual Forecast session.)
2025 is an interesting 9 Vibration Year.
Due to additional vibrational influences, its energy is different than the previous 9 vibration Years – 2016 (which I wrote about here), 2007, 1998, 1989, 1980, 1971, and so on. In some ways, it is a friendlier, kinder 9 Year. And in other ways, it screams out for change and action.
Before I dive into the major influences of this 9 Year, I’d like to talk about the subtle and not-so-subtle influences of the other numbers contributing their energy to the mix in 2025.
Like every year since 2020, we have two 2s present in the year (except 2022, we had three, and that was one bumpy year!). The double dose of 2 energy tells me that every Universal Year this decade is doubly affected by the characteristics of the 2 vibration. And you can definitely see that, especially in the increased polarity on our beautiful planet.
The primary areas activated this year, courtesy of the Number 2 are:
- relationships, collaboration, and community,
- polarity and balance,
- different points-of-view, and seeing things from a different perspective.
Next, we have the zero (0). Spirit.
Beginning in 2000, Spirit strengthened its role in the yearly dates. Instead of showing up once a decade or at the turn of the century, it now appears every year of this century. There is a message there.
The zero (0) represents Spirit…
The realm of Spirit, higher realms/dimensions, your higher self, your Soul, or a higher power (God, Creator, Goddess).
It also represents your intuition and living intuitively, accessing creative energy and the Divine Feminine.
The zero (0) can also represent the Unknown or the Void… the point of creation and destruction.
With the influence of the 9 vibration, the main aspects to focus on are:
- Your intuition (developing it, listening to it, and discerning the difference between it and your mind)
- Your connection to Source (or whatever name you prefer to use)
- Your creative expression
The last number in the year 2025 is the 5.
The Number 5 is our change agent. It will shake shit up to make you let go of what no longer serves your well-being.
The primary aspects in play for the Number 5 this year are:
- change,
- flexibility, adaptability,
- communication,
- curiosity, playfulness,
- and romance.
Spicing Things Up...
You can think of these three additional number vibrations (0, 2, and 5) as spices adding flavor to the 9 Year. Their influence may be mostly in the background, yet they will have an effect, some more than others, depending on your personal numerology and your particular situation.
For Example:
- You may feel the effects of the 2 and the 5 vibrations because you need to shift something in your relationships.
- Or the 2 is in your face trying to get you to remove your blinders and broaden your perspective.
- Or the 0 is showing up to teach you to listen to your intuition.
- Or the 5 is really poking you because you're refusing to make the changes you know you need to make.
And now, let’s take a look at the 9 Year energy.
The 9 Year signals the end of a cycle.
Yes, it is about endings and completion.
It is also about Truth, Integrity, Wisdom, Compassion, Inspiration, Caring, Empathy, Forgiveness, and Letting Go.
Often in my work, I refer to the 9 vibration as The Great Liberator because it puts you on notice that it is now time to clear the decks and re-evaluate everything in your life.
Re-evaluate Everything.
It is time to release everything that no longer serves your highest path…
your stories, beliefs, thoughts, habits, behaviors, and attitudes. Anything that is contributing to you staying stuck and not moving forward in your life.
It is time to release or consider releasing careers, jobs, or business ventures that have either been unprofitable or no longer fit who you are now or are in the process of becoming.
If you still find it meaningful, then spend time making adjustments so that it supports you better and you can enjoy it more.
If it is soul-sucking, unfulfilling, or making you feel ill, it’s time to let it go or at least begin working on your exit strategy.
It is time to clear the clutter… mental, physical, digital.
Declutter your house, your life, and your mind.
If tackling the whole house is overwhelming, pick a room and work on decluttering that for 15 minutes a day.
Decluttering your life may include things like people, a ridiculously packed schedule, distractions, commitments… things that fill up your life and days but don’t leave you feeling fulfilled in any way.
Decluttering your mind includes negative or judgmental thoughts and beliefs (about you and others and the world), as well as social media junk food, too much TV, and binging on negative news. Feed your mind things that uplift you, broaden your perspectives, increase your knowledge, make you laugh, and improve your mood.
Digital decluttering is another area that frees up space if you feel brave enough to tackle it! This includes things like old documents and files on your computer that you no longer need, texts, emails, voice messages, and so on. Delete becomes your friend here. ??
It is time to connect more deeply to what is true for you.
Get clear on what is a fit for who you are now and who you are becoming.
And be compassionate yet ruthless with trimming the deadwood of your life.
No judgment. No blame. No guilt. Be true to you!
It is time to finish those pesky projects sitting in terminal limbo, waiting for “someday.”
Or decide that you no longer relate to them or want to do them anymore and call it complete.
Reclaim the space to create more of what you want.
It is also time to pay attention to your health and how you feel mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Listen to the clues your body gives you and explore the adjustments required to take better care of yourself.
- Do you need more sleep, healthier food choices, exercise, or quiet time to meditate or create?
- Do you need to see a doctor or medical professional or begin a spiritual practice of some kind?
- Are you shoving aches and pains into the background and ignoring other signals from your body?
- Are you dealing with stress or depression?
Pick an area to improve (no more than one or two), and take what actions are required.
Please don’t try to change everything all at once; it rarely works. Change one thing, create one new healthy habit, then continue to build on that.
A 9-year also helps you lay the foundation for what comes next. 2026 begins the new 9-year cycle.
Throughout the year, spend time contemplating what you’d like to do and be going forward.
What would you like your life to be like?
Decide what you wish to create as your life. Release the things that aren’t in alignment with your vision.
There is so much to delve into in a 9 Year (or any year, for that matter) that I’m just highlighting some of the major areas that you may want to explore or that may show up demanding your attention this year.
The Year of the Wood Snake Augments the 9 Energy of 2025
The Snake and the 9 Year ask you to shed your old skin, re-evaluate everything, and let go of what is no longer you.
Like the Number 9, the Snake is inviting you to take this opportunity to renew yourself and your dreams, embrace new possibilities, and let go of the things that are no longer working for you (such as outdated behavior patterns, habits, thoughts, and beliefs, obsolete programming, destructive behaviors, limiting perspectives, and judgments.)
The energy of the Snake also helps with long-term planning, deep thinking, decision-making, problem-solving, strategic thinking, and handling complex situations. Take action on the things that matter to you… no more fence-sitting.
Generally, it is a good year for business, as the Snake is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. Be cautious before jumping into anything new.
Bottom Line
Throughout all this re-evaluation, reassessment, completion, and clearing space for what comes next, allow more time for fun, laughter, and playfulness in your daily life.
Be curious about what else is possible for you.
Why are we doing all of this, looking within, evaluating, and letting go of stuff?
It’s not to appease the 9 Vibration.
No, it is to get to know ourselves a bit better. Become more aware and conscious of our choices and consequences.
And to learn to choose wisely and to choose us. (Not in a selfish way, but honoring who we are, acknowledging our value, and understanding that we matter.)
It is also clearing space for something new and better aligned with us to come in.
We let go of the old to make way for new possibilities that the 1 Vibration will usher in next year (2026).
Allow this to be a gift to you.
Shedding the old, outgrown skin, like our friend the Snake, and exposing the new skin that fits who we are becoming.
Be You.
As always, if you would like my personal assistance in knowing what to focus on and what may be showing up for you based on the combination of your Personal and Universal Years, I invite you to book a Numerology Forecast session with me.
May you have a happy, healthy, prosperous year ahead. A year filled with possibility and potential, magic and miracles.
With deep love and appreciation,