Karen M. Winkelman

The LifeCrafting Guide

Intuitive Consultant for Your Personal,
Professional and Creative Life

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"For the resolute and determined there is time and opportunity."
~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson

The LifeCrafting Blog

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by Karen M. Winkelman Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hand touching barbedwire with the words "How are you handling your most important relationship?"How are you handling your most important relationship?

Before you start going down the rabbit hole of which important relationship am I talking about,

the relationship I mean is the one you have with yourself.


The one you have with YOU!

That is your most important relationship.


Because the relationship you have with yourself

affects every other relationship in your life.

So, dear one.

How are you treating you these days?


This month will be a wakeup call if you’ve been ignoring you and your needs.

The energy of November resonates with relationships of all kinds.

This November, the Angels tell me that the focus is on the relationship you are having (or not having) with yourself.

Of course this ripples out into all your other relationships too.

Your relationship with yourself includes all the inner aspects of you, including...

your spirit

your Source/Creator,

your fears and worries,

your beliefs, thoughts and patterns,

your emotions (feeling them or stuffing them),

your actions (or lack of action),

your body (how you take care of it, or not, and how you feel about it),

and who you are being (when alone and with others).


This month is a perfect time to learn more about how you can be your authentic self in your relationship with others.

Peel away the layers of who you thought you were or should be, and allow the true you to surface... even if it is just a little bit at a time.


November's vibration is here to help you…

According to numerology, November is a 2 Vibration month, which highlights the following aspects in our lives:  Cooperation, Collaboration, Duality, Balance, Partnership, and Relationships of all kinds! 

If you'd like to learn more about this month's energy and the download from Spirit, you can watch my video here or here.

Relationships are so important that we get to visit this energy twice a year... November and February.

This 2 vibration also has undertones of the 11 vibration since November is the 11th month. So this adds in the elements of Creativity, Vision, Justice, Confidence, and Diplomacy.

The shadow this month is co-dependency, people-pleasing and illusion or delusion.

The Light Side of the 2 VibrationThe Shadow side of the 2 vibration











Celestial Aspects to be aware of:

  • New Moon on the 11th

  • Full Moon on the 25th

  • Water to Fire: Scorpio (thru Nov. 21) Sagittarius

  • We start November in the water sign of Scorpio, so you may find that it’s the emotional side of things requiring the peacekeeping and compromise efforts and relationship focus this month

  • We shift gears to the fire sign of Sagittarius the third week of November, so you might be feeling a bit impetuous or adventurous and playful. Most likely you’ll want to jump into some action or activity with someone.

[My apologies for getting this post up later than usual! I was working on my own releationship with myself and dealing with some family issues... and it slipped my mind.]


Some Questions to Ponder or Journal About...

  • What are you expecting that might not be realistic?

  • Where are you feeling out-of-balance?

  • Where are you being impatient?

  • Why do you feel this impatience?

  • Where are you trying to please others at the cost of yourself?

  • Where else is polarity or duality showing up in your life (thinking one thing but doing the other; you think one way, they think the opposite)?

  • Where are you willing to forgive?

  • Where are you not willing to forgive… and why not?

  • How can you invite more peace and understanding into your life?

  • Who might you wish to collaborate with and on what?


Bottom Line

Focus this month on improving the relationship with yourself.

Put yourself at the top of your list!

When you fill yourself first, you have more to give without depleting yourself.

When dealing with others, look for ways to find a middle ground or benevolent solution to things that doesn’t diminish anyone in the process.

Strive for balance and peace without succumbing to people-pleasing and codependency.

Be patient and gentle with yourself!

In the US, many of us celebrate Thanksgiving this month. Instead of making it a focus one day of the year, practice gratitude and appreciation every day and see how your life shifts!

Wishing you an abundant month filled with blessings and gratitude.

with my love, blessings and gratitude,

Karen signature with 3 stars





One again, the the links to November's video and more about relationships are here or here.

PS. I'd love to hear your thoughts... you can share in the comments area below!

PPS. Thanks in advance for liking and sharing my posts!

I invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page too!

Posted by Karen M. Winkelman on Wednesday, November 25, 2015 9:07 PM
Categories: Numerology, Gratitude, Love, Self-Care, Energy, Self-Awareness, Empowerment
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